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Company Name
HT Lawyers
+971 507137499
HT Lawyers provides a strategic and comprehensive legal solution to car accident cases in the UAE. With our team of experts of Accident Lawyer in Dubai, we have successfully won cases and obtained the right to compensation against damages, losses, and wrongful death in addition to the mental and emotional anxiety of our clients.
The UAE imposes strict traffic laws in accordance with the federal traffic law as amended in 2017 which aims to further protect the lives of road users and reduce road accidents and casualties. The sanctions for different violations could go from minor, which is usually just fines, to major, which may include jail terms, a higher fine, or seizure of the vehicle, especially if it has affected and has put other people's lives and safety at risk. For more information visit the site :
The UAE imposes strict traffic laws in accordance with the federal traffic law as amended in 2017 which aims to further protect the lives of road users and reduce road accidents and casualties. The sanctions for different violations could go from minor, which is usually just fines, to major, which may include jail terms, a higher fine, or seizure of the vehicle, especially if it has affected and has put other people's lives and safety at risk. For more information visit the site :
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Deira, Dubai
Port Saeed - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Port Saeed - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
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2022-03-04 15:24:08
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Legal advice