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Company Name
Vision Institute
CMA Certification (Preparation programme)
UAE Ministry of Education Accredited Center
Certificate of Achievement (Ministry Attestation fees apply)
CMA is an American Certification awarded by Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) U.S. IMA has Mutual recognition agreement with
·ICWA (Institute of Cost & Works Accountant) India for 100% Exam Exemptions (the course takes generally 3 years to finish).
·CGA (Canada) advanced entry level for CGA Program.
·ACCA 7 Papers Exemption.
Anyone who has completed a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university or pursuing his/her degree is eligible to sit for the CMA Exam.
Part I 100 Multiple Choice Questions and two 30 minute Essay Questions Part II 100 Multiple Choice Questions and two 30 minute Essay Questions
CMA is the professional designation for management accountants and financial managers. The certificate provides distinction in today's economic climate and is an opportunity to certify your expertise in business areas that are critical to the decision-making process. Findings of IMA's 20th Annual Salary Survey indicate that professionals holding IMA's CMA certification have greater earning power - 24% higher in salary and 31% higher in total compensation - than their non-certified colleagues. The CMA designation represents a broad business competency and mastery of the management-level skills required to add value, drive business performance, and build quality financial practices within organizations. The program objectively tests and validates expertise in areas essential to analyzing, managing and evaluating business solutions that contribute to the success of an organization. The CMA credential indicates a commitment to excellence based on a strong, ethical foundation and dedication to lifelong learning. Businesses around the world rely on CMAs for accounting ,finance and information management and most importantly, for the strategic planning and business solutions provided by these qualified professionals
We Offer:
Courses: Beginners Computer Course, MS Office/ E-Office, Cambridge University IT Diploma, Secretarial Course, Web Designing (HTML/ DHTML/ XML, Front Page/ Dreamweaver), Graphic Designing (Flash/Photoshop/ 3D Max/ InDesign/ Illustrator/ Corel Draw/ Image Ready etc.), AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Micro station, Hardware & Networking, C/C++/C# Programming/ Java Programming, VB/VB.Net/ASP.Net/JSP/PHP Programming, Oracle 10g/SQL/SQL Server/MS Access, Oracle ERP/ DBA/Financial, SAP, Primavera, MS Project, Estimator, STAAD Pro
Business Management, HR Management, Marketing Management, Sales Management, Health Management, Safety Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Interview Techniques, Project Management (PMP), Retail Operation
Professional Courses: ICDL, A+, N+, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCITP, MCAD, MCSD, MCDBA, OCA, OCP, CCNA,CCNP, CCIE, RHCE, GIS (ArcGIS), Video Editing, Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, ITIL
Call on 050-9249945 to speak with the consultant!
Vision Institute, R-Holding Building,
Office No. 402, Sheikh Khalifa Road,
Mob 0509249945, 06-7453323
UAE Ministry of Education Accredited Center
Certificate of Achievement (Ministry Attestation fees apply)
CMA is an American Certification awarded by Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) U.S. IMA has Mutual recognition agreement with
·ICWA (Institute of Cost & Works Accountant) India for 100% Exam Exemptions (the course takes generally 3 years to finish).
·CGA (Canada) advanced entry level for CGA Program.
·ACCA 7 Papers Exemption.
Anyone who has completed a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university or pursuing his/her degree is eligible to sit for the CMA Exam.
Part I 100 Multiple Choice Questions and two 30 minute Essay Questions Part II 100 Multiple Choice Questions and two 30 minute Essay Questions
CMA is the professional designation for management accountants and financial managers. The certificate provides distinction in today's economic climate and is an opportunity to certify your expertise in business areas that are critical to the decision-making process. Findings of IMA's 20th Annual Salary Survey indicate that professionals holding IMA's CMA certification have greater earning power - 24% higher in salary and 31% higher in total compensation - than their non-certified colleagues. The CMA designation represents a broad business competency and mastery of the management-level skills required to add value, drive business performance, and build quality financial practices within organizations. The program objectively tests and validates expertise in areas essential to analyzing, managing and evaluating business solutions that contribute to the success of an organization. The CMA credential indicates a commitment to excellence based on a strong, ethical foundation and dedication to lifelong learning. Businesses around the world rely on CMAs for accounting ,finance and information management and most importantly, for the strategic planning and business solutions provided by these qualified professionals
We Offer:
Courses: Beginners Computer Course, MS Office/ E-Office, Cambridge University IT Diploma, Secretarial Course, Web Designing (HTML/ DHTML/ XML, Front Page/ Dreamweaver), Graphic Designing (Flash/Photoshop/ 3D Max/ InDesign/ Illustrator/ Corel Draw/ Image Ready etc.), AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Micro station, Hardware & Networking, C/C++/C# Programming/ Java Programming, VB/VB.Net/ASP.Net/JSP/PHP Programming, Oracle 10g/SQL/SQL Server/MS Access, Oracle ERP/ DBA/Financial, SAP, Primavera, MS Project, Estimator, STAAD Pro
Business Management, HR Management, Marketing Management, Sales Management, Health Management, Safety Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Interview Techniques, Project Management (PMP), Retail Operation
Professional Courses: ICDL, A+, N+, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCITP, MCAD, MCSD, MCDBA, OCA, OCP, CCNA,CCNP, CCIE, RHCE, GIS (ArcGIS), Video Editing, Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, ITIL
Call on 050-9249945 to speak with the consultant!
Vision Institute, R-Holding Building,
Office No. 402, Sheikh Khalifa Road,
Mob 0509249945, 06-7453323
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Ain Ajman, Ajman
Vision institute
Vision institute
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2022-09-24 18:00:07
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