Best Android Online Training In Sharjah

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Real Estate, Car Dealer, Car Hire & Leasing, 3D Printing, Accountants, Advertising, Air Cargo & Shipping Services, Air Conditioning, Air Conditioning, Airlines & Service Providers, Alternative Medicine, Amusement Parks & Arcades, Artificial Intelligence, Arts & Crafts Retailer, Associations & Unions, Audio & Video Production, Auto Services & Workshop, Auto Spare Parts & Accessories, Bakeries & Cake Shop, Bike Shop, Boat Charters, Boat Dealer, Boats & Watercraft, Bookstores, Business Consultancy, Business Services, Car Dealers, Car Hire & Leasing, Car Parts & Accessories, Car Wash, Celebrity Management & Casting, Cinema, Clothing Retailer, Coffee & Tea shop, Colleges & University, Computers Retailer, Construction & Renovation, Cosmetic Surgeons, Cosmetics & Beauty Retailer, Counselling & Mental Health, Courier & Delivery Services, Crypto & Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Ecommerce, Employment Agency, Engineering, Environmental Consultancy, Events & Festivals, Expat Services, Fabric Stores, Factory Outlets, Fashion, Fast Food & Takeaways, Florists, Food Equipment, Freight Transportation, Furniture Stores, Garden & Outdoor, Gardening & Cleaning, General Retailers, Graphic Design, Gyms & Fitness Centres, Hardware Stores, Heavy Vehicles, Hobby Shop, Home Decor Retailers, Home Entertainment Retailers, Home Furniture & Appliances, Hotels & Resorts, House Maid, Household Appliances Retailers, Ice Cream & Frozen, Immigration & Visas, Import & Export Agents, Industrial Machinery, Interior Design, Internet Services, Interpreting & Translating, ISO Certification, IT Services, Jewellery & Watch Retailers, Kids activities, Kindergarten & Preschools, Kitchen & Bath Retailer, Landscape & Outdoor Living, Laundry, Lawyers & Legal Services, Leather Goods Retailer, Local Tours & Activities, Logistics, Marketing, Medical Centres & Healthcare , Mobile Phones Retailers, Mobility Aids, Motor sports, Motorcycles Dealers, Moving Company, Museums, Office Supplies, Oil & Gas, Opticians, Outsourcing, Pest Control, Pest Control & Disinfection, Pet Clinics & Vets, Pet Grooming Centres, Pharma & Biotech, Photographer, Photography Store, Plants & Gardening Stores, Ports & Harbours, Printing, Professional Services, Property Management, Public Relations, Radio Stations, Recruitment, Removals & Relocation, Renovations & Repair, Restaurant, Robotics, Safety & Security, School, Security Services, Shoe Store, Shopping Centre, Souvenirs & Gifts, Space Tech, Special Number Trading, Special Schools, Sporting Goods Retailer, Sports Medicine, Start-Up, Stationery Retailers, Supermarket & Grocery, Sustainable Energy, Tailoring, Telecommunication, Toys & Games, Training & Learning Centres, Transportation & Logistics, Travel Agents, Tuning, University, Used Goods Retailers, Vehicle Repair & Maintenance, Venues & Event Space, Water sports, Web & App Development, Wedding, Appliance Repair, Wholesalers

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Since 2001, TechnoMaster Uae (academy of Nestsoft Technologies, Infopark) has been at the forefront of providing software development, web design, mobile apps, seo, digital marketing services and training in Uae, Uae. We are the only ones who are providing online live IT classes in Uae, Uae to the more number of IT technologies by experts.

   Enroll for Developing Android Apps with Kotlin Certification online Training Course by Nestsoft in Uae . Create concise, secure and performant apps with Kotlin. Live classes are handled by Uae based experts.. Android Training in Uae.


1, Android - Syllabus (60 Hrs)
Getting Started with Kotlin
Define Kotlin
Environment Setup
First Program Concept
Kotlin Variable and Data Type
Kotlin Type Conversion
Kotlin Operator
Control Flow
if Expression
when Expression
for Loop and while Loop
Do while Loop
Return and Jump
Continue Structure
Exploring Kotlin Functions
Kotlin Function
Recursion Function
Default and Named Argument
Kotlin Lambdas
Higher-Order Function
Kotlin Inline Function
Exception Handling
Kotlin Try Catch
Multiple Catch Block
Nested Try Block
Kotlin Finally Block
Kotlin Throw Keyword
Overview of Collections
Mutable Array
Kotlin Collections
List: listOf()
Kotlin ArrayList
Map: mapOf()
Kotlin HashMap
hashMapOf() and mutableMapOf()
Set: setOf()
mutableSetOf() and hashSetOf()
Exploring Kotlin OOPs
Class and Object
Nested and Inner Class
Kotlin Constructor
Visibility Modifier
Kotlin Inheritance
Abstract Class
Kotlin Interface
Data and Sealed Class
Extension Function
Kotlin Generics
Introduction to Ranges
Integer Type Range
Working Ranges
Utility Function
Get Started with Kotlin Android
Install Android Studio
Hello World App
Android TextView and EditText
Kotlin Android Toast
Android Button and Custom Toast
Android Explicit and Implicit Intent
Android ListView and AlertDialog
Android Context Menu and Custom ListView
Android Options Menu and Android Popup Menu
Android WebView and SeekBar
TabLayout with FrameLayout and ViewPager
XML Parsing using DOM Parser and SAX Parsers
Android XMLPullParser


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Added 2023-03-26 21:24:19
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Category IT & Telecom